One Brick Higher

The “One Brick Higher” alumni clubs take the old Gold P program to the next level. Clubs helping clubs. Expanding engagement opportunities and programs. The extraordinary efforts of these clubs distinguish them in the growth of the program. One Brick Higher alumni clubs receive additional Purdue for Life Foundation support and resources that are consistent with their commitment to serving the diverse needs and interests of all alumni, friends, and fans. To be considered for One Brick Higher, the following qualifications must be met:

Fulfill Annual Requirements

  • Adhere to the alumni club agreement.
  • Observe Purdue’s Statement of Integrity and Volunteer Expectations
  • Host 3 events for all alumni, friends, and fans in the club’s geographical area.

Additional support from PFLF for One Brick Higher in FY 2023-24

  • Engagement funds
  • Scholarship funds
  • Choice of 1 club-identity item
  • Autographed football or basketball program item
  • 2 Purdue-themed items from the scholarship fundraising collection.
  • Recognition in the Purdue Alumnus

Fulfill Annual Event Requirements

  • Participate in Purdue Day of Giving
  • Host a Purdue Day of Service event (not required in FY 2022-23)
  • Maintain an active scholarship program
  • Host 5 additional events per year, not including game watches.

Complete One of the Following Administrative Initiatives

  • Submit the description of an event, program, or activity that demonstrates best practices, to be shared as a resource for other clubs. (Template will be released in December 2022.)
  • Invite club leader peers to attend/participate in a leadership board meeting to share best practices. (Request form will be released in November 2022.)
  • Present best practices to another alumni club. (Interest form will be available in November 2022.)

Conduct One of the Following Membership Initiatives

  • Have a diverse board (age, gender, race/ethnicity, LGBTQ+, ability).
  • Collaborate with PFLF affinity groups and/or include the position of diversity and inclusion chair.
  • Have a young alumni committee that orchestrates events specifically for young alumni and recent grads.

Conduct Two Events That Supports Alumni Engagement

  • Partner with PFLF’s life-long learning for an event.
  • Work with the Purdue Alumni Recruitment for Tomorrow.
  • Host an event or program that engages alumni families in your community (not student send-off).
  • Host an event or program targeting young alumni and recent graduates
  • Coordinate a community service project to support a local organization
  • Partner with campus-entity on a program. Submit the speaker request form.
  • Host a professional networking event.
  • Host an intellectual activity (special-interest events, arts, etc).

Conduct Two of the Following Outreach Initiatives

  • Partner with a PFLF affinity group to host an event that engages diverse alumni in your community.
  • Participate in educational outreach programs with local schools or community organizations, such as tutoring or service-learning programs.
  • Coordinate an event in partnership with another local organization or another college/university’s local alumni club.
  • Participate in Purdue Ties alumni club pilot program. (Coming Spring 2022)
  • Partner with PFLF’s Volunteerism and Outreach and/or International Engagement and Alumni Travel programs. (In development.)