Dues Sharing Procedures
The purpose of dues sharing funds is to help clubs engage as many alumni as possible, thereby assisting Purdue Alumni in meeting its mission of being the gateway for loyal alumni to build relationships with each other and Purdue University.
Purdue Alumni will make these funds available each year to clubs who meet specific core values. Clubs satisfying these values will earn Gold status, and will be eligible to receive $2.50 for each Purdue Alumni member residing in the club's geographic region.
Qualifying Club Event
The funds can be used to support a qualifying club event. A qualifying club event is defined as an activity or program which is promoted to all alumni or all Purdue Alumni members in the club's geographic region.
Authorized Uses of Funds
The funds may be used to pay for the net cost of a qualifying club event. The net cost of a qualifying club event is defined as fees collected from attendees less qualified expenses (defined below) incurred to organize and conduct the event.
Qualified Expenses
Expenses incurred for the following items are considered qualified expenses for the purpose of using dues sharing funds:
- food and drink (including tax and gratuity)
- room charge and equipment rental
- supplies
- auction items
- guest speakers travel and meal
- honored guests meals
Unallowable Expenses
Expenses incurred for the following items are not considered qualified expenses for the purpose of using dues sharing funds:
- scholarships and awards to students
- contributions to scholarship accounts
- salaries or honorariums for club officers or guest speakers
- membership in Purdue Alumni, PASE, or PAK
Requesting Funds
Purdue Alumni will retain the funds until the club has actually incurred an expense. Payments may be made directly to a vendor, or may be made on a reimbursement basis to the club or one of the club leaders.
Availability and Deadlines
- The funds will be available to the clubs on a fiscal year basis. The Purdue Alumni fiscal year begins on July 1 and ends on June 30. Activities must be held during the fiscal year in order to use the dues sharing funds provided for that fiscal year.
- Funds available to the club but not used for activities during the Purdue Alumni fiscal year are forfeited by the club and are not carried forward into the next fiscal year.
- The funds will be available for use by the club effective July 1 of the current fiscal year based on the count of members as of June 30 of the prior fiscal year
- All requests for the use of funds for the current fiscal year must be submitted to the Purdue Alumni Association no later than June 15 of the current fiscal year.
Contact Courtney Magnuson if there are questions about the use of dues sharing funds.