Your Boiler UPdate

We get it, you get it, everybody gets it. A lot of email, that is. We here at the Purdue for Life Foundation have found a way to help—our monthly e-newsletter, Boiler UPdate.

Your Boiler UPdate makes its way from West Lafayette to your inbox on the first of every month. 

Each Boiler UPdate is packed like Harry’s on Homecoming with ways for you to stay connected, get involved, and give back. You can count on us to handpick the stories, happenings, discoveries, and impacts we know you’ll want to see—and this is no small task considering that this is the kind of place where giant leaps happen every day.

If you’re interested in a monthly dose of Purdue’s greatest hits—and let’s be honest, who isn’t?—get on the list.

Subscribe today!

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