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  1. Grow Membership
  2. Increase Revenue for Purdue Alumni and its Clubs/Networks
  3. Establish consistency, where practical, in pricing across Clubs/Networks


  1. Implement member and non-member pricing for all fee-based events
  2. Establish sufficient gap between member and non-member pricing to provide a strong incentive for non-members to consider becoming members, even if at only the BASIC Membership level
  3. Set member pricing at sufficient level to reflect the value delivered to attendees, not simply to cover actual event costs

Recommended upcharge for nonmembers*

Pricing guidelines for member and nonmember event fees
If Member Price is…Nonmembers Price should be Member Price PLUS…
Between $1 and $49+$10
Between $50 and $74+$15
Between $75 and $99+$20
Between $100 and $149+$35
Between $150 and $199+$50
More than $200+$60

* Member can bring 1 guest at the member pricing; additional guests pay the nonmember price (or for family-oriented events, you could allow member pricing for member and immediate family members).

** It is highly recommended to avoid free events (with the exception of game watches and community service events), if possible. Consider a $5 or $10 member price and indicate that proceeds will support the club’s/network’s scholarship fund and/or local programs.

Note: Promote the fact that memberships start at only $25. Even the $25 BASIC Membership entitles member to discounted member pricing.