Club agrees to provide the following:

12 Weeks Before the Event

  • Finalize date with your regional liaison.
  • Request University speaker, if desired.

6 Weeks Before the Event

  • Provide information for a mailer if the club would like Purdue Alumni to send one.

4 Weeks Before the Event

  • Put the following language in the printed program if university guests are provided by Purdue Alumni: “The club would like to thank the Purdue Alumni Association for making the arrangements and sponsoring our Purdue guest’s attendance at today’s event.”
  • Put the following language in the printed program: “The club would like to thank the Purdue Alumni Association for making funding and support available to help offset the costs of this event.”
  • Utilize the Purdue Alumni logo in a prominent spot in the event program.
  • Make Purdue Alumni staff aware of appropriate attire for the event.
  • Recommend a hotel near event site (if needed).
  • Recommend an airport close to event site, if requested.

1 Week Before the Event

  • Provide an agenda for the event to your regional liaison.
  • Provide an attendee list for the event to your regional liaison if you would like name tags printed.
  • Confirm the necessary equipment will be provided, set up and tested, to show the “Year In Review” DVD included in your event box if it’s to be shown (computer/DVD, projector, speakers, screen, and extension cord).
  • Provide seating assignment for the staff person and campus speaker (if applicable). Also, indicate the names of other attendees sitting at the same tables(s).
  • Provide cell number of club contact person the day of the event

At the Event

  • Only use the wording “Purdue Alumni” or “Purdue Alumni Association” instead of “PAA”.
  • Cover cost of meal of Purdue Alumni representative and any campus guests provided by Purdue Alumni.

After the Event

  • Submit post event information form and payment request form (if applicable) online no later than one month after the event date.
  • Give names and addresses of club officers responsible for setting up event to your regional liaison for thank you notes from PA representative who attended.
  • Send post-event survey to attendees via email.

Suggested Schedule for Event Attended by Alumni Staff






Program (begin as dessert is being served)




Announce silent auction winners (if applicable; winners pick up and pay as they leave)


Release attendees. If having a business meeting, ask those interested in participating to remain.

